UN Sustainable Development Goals

Responsibilities of universities in ensuring implementation of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Universities and the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals: A Call to Action

In this enlightening video, we explore the pivotal role that universities play in the global pursuit of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs serve as a roadmap for a sustainable and equitable future, and universities are at the forefront of this mission through knowledge dissemination and research.

This video features distinguished speakers, including Prof. Colette Mazzucelli from New York University, who sheds light on the responsibilities of universities in SDG implementation. The discussion delves into the importance of education, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it intersects with the SDGs. It emphasizes the need to leave no one behind and highlights the transformative power of quality, inclusive education in breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting gender equality.

The speakers also stress the significance of cross-sector collaboration, echoing the UN's 17th Goal, which encourages partnerships for global progress. They share insights on how universities worldwide are working together to localize these global goals and empower future generations with the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for sustainable development.

Join us in this inspiring dialogue that underscores the critical role of education and international collaboration in achieving the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Together, we can build a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive world for all, leaving no one behind.

Speakers Info


Prof. Colette Mazzucelli 2nd Vice President and Steward at New York University

Prof. Colette Mazzucelli is a distinguished professional with a remarkable career spanning various roles and achievements. Currently serving as the 2nd Vice President of ACT-UAW Local 7902, she represents New York University in this influential union, advocating for the rights and interests of part-time faculty, student workers, and health service employees from The New School, as well as adjunct faculty at New York University, a role she has held since 2023.


Dr. Aprille Trupiano Executive Coach Financial Services, Biz Mentor, Investor at AT International, LC

Dr. Aprille Trupiano is a seasoned executive coach, influential speaker, and accomplished business owner with a remarkable track record in the financial services industry. With over two decades of experience, she has been instrumental in helping business owners worldwide achieve success and balance in their professional and personal lives.


Dr. Lisa Coleman Senior Vice President, Global Inclusion and Strategic Innovation at New York University

Dr. Lisa Coleman is a distinguished thought leader, consultant, and trusted advisor to C-suite executives and boards. With a career spanning across diverse sectors, including higher education, government, technology, and corporate industries, Dr. Coleman has established herself as a highly experienced senior professional.


Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran Prof. at İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran is a distinguished professor in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics, known for his remarkable contributions to the world of science, technology, and diplomacy. Currently serving as the President of İzmir Institute of Technology and the CEO of İzmir Technology Development Zone, Prof. Dr. Baran has been a driving force behind numerous groundbreaking initiatives.


Brighton Kaoma Advisory Board Member at IUCN Species Survival Commission

Brighton Kaoma is a visionary leader with a profound commitment to advancing sustainable development, environmental conservation, and youth empowerment on a global scale. With a distinguished educational background and a wealth of experience, Brighton's dedication to driving positive change has earned him recognition and accolades from esteemed leaders and institutions worldwide.

Session Script: Responsibilities of universities in ensuring implementation of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

According to the United Nations, the 17 sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all universities and are the primary institutions for the dissemination of knowledge, through teaching and for the generation of new knowledge through research.

These aspects make your universities essential players in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Welcome you to the very first world Higher education, a ranking summit that brings together the world's leading minds in higher education policymakers, change-makers, innovators, and extraordinary human beings. In this session, we are going to talk about the responsibilities of universities in the implementation of the United Nations. Global Goals, and it's a very exciting topic for everyone who is watching us today because the SDG agenda that has been adopted in 2015 by the United Nations is basically the program for not living anyone behind, and the program for the development by 2030 by sustainable development of the world.


We were joined by leaders in their fields, people that create great changes in their communities, in their countries and across the world. Let me introduce you to  Prof. Colette Mazzucelli. Professor at New York University. She is an extraordinary academic who is a global leader and chair of New York University, European Horizons Advisory Board, and Member of the Advisory Board of the Data, Union and an American academic and author. She is a graduate faculty at New York University, where Professor Colette is responsible for international relations, and she is a scholar in international relations.

Agenda Explained: Keynote by Brighton Kaoma

Incredible scholars. incredible thinkers, incredible contributors to the United Nations system. Where development goes, I think today is a very beautiful day number one because we have about 7 years, 8 years today, this year we need to reflect and see where we are with the United Nations sustainable development goes. We can now begin to take talk about how much we've achieved in implementing the global goes countries progressing. But at the same time, we've observed that the Covid19 pandemic, as you invest many years of progress that we've achieved in that was made in actually being the sustainable development.

Of course, but I think what's even more critical right now is the level of access to quality education. We are, seeing that so many young people, especially in developing countries don't have the luxury of being able to attend classes because of the disruption that has happened as a result of the Covid19 pandemic and its gatherings like this that remind us of the importance of ensuring that we create sound policies. We create sound opportunities for education to be recognized as a fundamental human right for everybody irrespective of where you are respectable.

How you look respective of the country from and over the years we've observed that young people continue being left behind, and the question that demands an answer is, If the sustainable development goes required that nobody should be left behind, we should be asking you ourselves, who are they? One's behind. and how can we go back to these individuals who are behind to be able to give them the opportunities they deserve to be able to have access to quality education? The most important aspect is how in the twins the Global Goals are, for example, quality Inclusive education can break the vicious cycle of poverty. In this case, another example is going number 5 on gender equality. since quality, inclusive education helps to achieve gender equality and power. it's important to see the linkages that All these goals continue to have and it's for this reason that you know, investing in education, especially girls, education would not only transform their lives, but it will help build the resilient societies and sustainable economies.

We always wish to achieve, and it's for This reason that I want to emphasize critical elements. Quality inclusive video education and quality inclusive education doesn't own doesn't only force. the self is the employee on people, development, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It also promotes full and pretty active empowerment opportunities for everybody. And these conferences, like the world, high education, ranking conferences allow us to be able to engage in productive dialogue and exchange ideas and thoughts and best practices around how we can achieve sustainable development goes without an education. Our achieving sustainable development goes, becomes even harder. When we go back to 1992 in real de Janeiro, and 2002, we had the 2050 agenda on sustainable development causes. It was emphasized that the education system we need to provide in this decade ensure that it provides the knowledge, excuse the values and the attitudes that empower the next generation should be the sustainable development and that was the beginning of education for the system by development, which now is giving us a blueprint, and the foundation to be able to have compositions like what we are having today.

The last thing I want to emphasize is cross-sect. The collaboration and we can together look at ‘Global goal Number 17’, which looks at partnerships for the Global Goals. It requires different disciplines to come together from educators. Do you know, engineers and developers, coming together to be able to divide solutions? first sustainable development and it gives me excitement today that the world higher education, ranking summit, is bringing a multi-sector interdisciplinary query of leaders from Zambia to the United States, to the Middle East, to Europe, everybody bringing their unique experiences to advance sustainable development cause, and that STDs In use. Our mandate is to localize these goals that's why high education plays a critical quarrel. Because that's where young people and you been older people are given new thinking. They are given the right skills to be able to contribute.

Just so signs, and I wish to congratulate everybody, including the organizers, that have worked tirelessly. To put this event together, would not have been possible without your relentless effort, and tirelessness. You're renewed in those 1000 years irrespective of the challenges that you might have encountered.

Special thanks to Brighton for sitting the lights on today's agenda, and on all your initiatives that you've been doing to promote sustainable agenda across the world especially working with the youth, and I know how much you NSDS and Youth have done to teach educate young people all over the world, even in crisis regions, to work together collaboratively on shaping a better and more sustainable world for everyone, not leaving anyone behind, and I hope that by 2030, all of these goals will be achieved by every country, every nation. Today. we live in a very difficult time. Terrible in time and it's very difficult to address such challenges. However, I know that everyone on this panel is doing everything in their capacity and capability to reach the gap, to build a society that is focused on sustainable development and base.

Education and the freedom from exclusion by Prof. Colette Mazzucelli

WHERS 2022 is a great opportunity to be in dialogue together, to have these conversations, which, as Brighton has underlined, are so critical in our world today and Brighton. it's inspiring to listen to you and words matter and the words You are sharing with us as educators, thought leaders, and innovators are still critical as we think about how to promote human security and the dignity of the person. Remember, many, many years ago the United Nations academic impact, when Raul was there, invited several US Educators, some of us from NYU and others from different universities in the local area, and we have the good fortune to be together, and to talk already about how our universities could come together, could promote these types of conversations, and 2 decades later we have made so much progress on that note. It was my pleasure to write a keynote essay for the UN Chronicle. Many, years ago, in which I underlined education and the freedom from exclusion.

Availability of Education by NYU to Neglection parts of the world: Prof. Lisa Coleman

I think it's a great way to begin, because far too often when we're thinking about our goals, especially if we're thinking about it. From where we sit. we can then think about that global, particularly as we think about somebody like NYU that has campuses in Abu Dhabi in Shanghai, Paris and Sydney, etc. And so we have a lot of different work going on globally. But what does that mean in terms of the local regions? And then, more importantly, what does that mean in terms of the relationship between these countries? And of course, our sort of business in them. And so the first thing I like to say is, that we have to think about reciprocity as we develop these partnerships across the globe. We have to think about reciprocity. And what that means is, how are we working in the local areas? How are we developing the local areas? What does that look like? And how do we concertize that So I'm going to use Abu Dhabi as one example? And this goes back to something that Brighton was talking about earlier. We know, across the globe that there are challenges and when we think about it, even in terms of gender equality, right? And that's one of the sustainable goals.

What we also know is in about 6 Middle Eastern countries women are outperforming men in the stem. It breaks the stereotypes and so and so some of us sit in Western countries. We don't know we don't know this. And so what did we do but what did we know? And, for instance, we have a campus in Abu Dhabi. What we know is that not necessarily are those women employed at the rates right that they might be employed. So this is this issue of exclusion that you bring up, particularly in terms of the labor markets and in the local area. What did we do? We hired women, we hired women architects, we hired women, mathematicians to work on our campus, and with our campus in NYU as one example of right closing that gap digging into the local spaces. and then, of course, thinking about right. This attention to the goal's rights, the larger goals of institutional goals and educational goals. So bringing together education and labour at this moment? and then thinking about how do we advance right?

Professional Women:
So when I think about the local again it's thinking about that reciprocity, How are we building capacity in the local spaces? And what does that mean in terms of relationship development? The last thing that I will say about this idea, particularly global education, is also to think about local and what that means in terms of curriculum development? And I want to say this because this is very important we can't just import one curriculum to another country, and expect that to work so to go back to Brighton's points about partnership if we're going to have a partnership, and again, this is about has to do with reciprocity is then we have to think about how are we building that educational curriculum, and through a process, of co-creation, and that co-creation is transgenerational, intergenerational with our students, our faculty, our staff, etc. It can't be just done in a vacuum in this silo, and I think far too often when we create the sort of curricular components we do it from one vantage point versus another. we don't involve right several people so and particularly students think. And this is important, as we think about emerging technologies, emerging industries emerge as the future of arc. Etc. So again, as we're thinking about this local development I think it's really important that we think about this and again, I'll compromise this with one example we've been doing some work in a retreat where kids are taking computers or use computer parts and then building right recycle parts and building new kinds of computers. We're working with those young people to bring them in to write a curriculum that helps them teach us all right. You're building from parts that are not what we usually do So let's think about how we can develop a curriculum around this.

So we can engage a different kind of youth, in a different region that doesn't have access to the kinds of resources that we might have access to in some of the places, even like St. Louis, Missouri, where my colleague is so really thinking about that. So again, local reciprocity, partnership relationship. What does that look like in terms of those growth models? But importantly. And then how does that relate to? as Brighton was talking about these sustainable goals?

Thank you so much. first for emphasizing reciprocity by giving us concrete examples of how NYU, as a global network to use former President John Sexton's term the global network university of course in his book standing for a reason, The University and a dogmatic age. We must think always ahead forward, looking Simpler Avanti always forward in terms of how we work with these tools. and I think underlining these tools is critical.

Curriculum In Local Areas: Prof. Yusuf Baran

I would like to start with my special thanks to Brighton and Lisa for the shady insights with us.

So regarding the generation of the with the production of the future leaders, I mean the education of the young people. Of course, this is the most important responsibility of the universities, and actually for all the educational institutions with it. When you' high school, or the universities because this is the major behind the establishment of the universities, so the transfer of the knowledge, and don't have from the older generations to the younger generations and of course then the information and the knowledge that we already accumulated for hundreds of years. So you need to press our knowledge and experience to be younger generations for should. when we, when we demo the future leaders, Of course, it should not only be the academic development of the students but there are none. Academic developments and all that in hand. there are some other capacities that people that be lost.

Our students to have as well. and to provide these, we are trying our best to create an ecosystem for our students, to develop academically and not have an identity as well Because in to achieve for any county for all or any society, to achieve unsustainable development goals, should you will need human capacity, you will need human resources and without the human resources, you can't do anything that you can't achieve anything actually, and when you look at these sustainable development goals, it's not from no power to zero climate change. Life under the water, renewable energy sector, and all of these can be achieved with the well-educated people, and of course, in the scientific approach as well.

So there is no actually, I don't believe that there is no global without the local or local, without the global, because local is part of the global and global is composed of the vocals. I mean, all the locals come together to form the global. So they feed each other so on the other hand, I don't believe in that no county or no university or not discipline, can solve any of these sustainable development goals by itself. I mean how come any country can solve the climate change or poverty, or education, or live on the model, or the enable energy to provide sustainability of the world, sustainability of the life and the quality of life as well more the country should work together in order to, in order to be, you know, in order to provide the best side of the combined climate change.

All the county should contribute. and when you take it, when you think about the global challenge as well, no challenge can be sold by one single discipline, I mean the scientific discipline. So if you think about cancer, if you think about the renewable energy, if you think about the discipline, or whatever all the disciplines should contribute in order to have a solution, And as I said, global issues or challenges are composed of the local ones and the local ones can turn into a global challenge. Right now, you know, you have some complete in certain parts of the world, and all the world and all the societies are somehow affected. From all these conflicts, or the wars, or the problems. So we in our university are trying to develop the current and the future leaders of our county, and of course, for the academic side, You are trying all this in order to keep the train in education for our students to be an architect or an engineer or a design piece with a 3 sheet mathematician, or geneticist But, on the other hand, you want our students to be enterprise, to be a team player, to be patient, to approach any problem, to solve him, not to discourage himself herself when he come back rose with any problem, So we want them. To be the leader of society wherever they go. Often they can be training that education from our University. Starting this year we started To and leadership deep law in our university. So our level 9 is going to have the academic diploma.

But, on the other hand, they will get a leadership diploma. If they could get credits from different subtitles. And these subtitles are leadership, and sustainability. contribution to society, social responsibility, projects, and all these ones, or, if they have the leadership in any student, come up or the student activity. so they get the credits from them and at the end of the training over here. They don't get leadership. diploma as well, which will be a great addition for data sea, and before the creature carrier. On the other hand, we are quite mostly working with the industry, and even in our university we have a techno part technology that will open zone, and we have around 200 R&D companies. And now hundreds of our students are working in this company, whether part-time, volunteer or the compulsory internship. So in many, as they learn from the techno part companies and also with the industry that we are collaborating from the other way around. we got the funding from the European Union. It's 2 points, 9 million euros and we spent a lot of money to train and educate our students to become an entrepreneur to establish their startups. Companies. It is not only encouragement but also amazing training with the mentors. To, you know, to generate our elbow life, not only to be a job secret, but also, you know, as of each day on entrepreneur, and from the other way around. You also want our students to be world citizens. This is also important in order to create world a better place for all of us, in order to create a more peaceful world. If we know what I mean when I say, be the people from the opposite side of the borders. If we know each other more and more, then we will become friends. And this friendship, for sure, will stop any world or any conflict between the counties and the societies.

So if that's why they want to increase the number of international professors and students in our campus. And now you have more than 50 more than we have students and faculty from more than 50 colleges, and also we have funding from European Union, which is known as Alaska.

And this last program we have an agreement, and we'll use with 107 universities from 22 European countries, and our students are going to different European universities, and you know, for certain times they stay over there. They do internships, and they get classes from European universities. But the major behind this project is to make our students more open-minded, and more welcome to any culture. And on our campus, we say there is no other. there is no other. Indeed Well, the universities and all the educational institutions should look at that perspective in order to train the future leaders to make this world a better place for all of us.
No, that's beautifully expressed to make this world a better place for all of us, and I, as I listen to you, the passion with which you speak the dedication with which you highlight certain words, the ecosystem. I think that we all together are very much part of an ecosystem in evolution, and I think that ecosystem when I think about that, you know my own area of international relations. when we study international relations, often we turn first to Kenneth's walls to the idea of the international system.

The Vocabulary of Web & Leadership: Dr. April Trupiano

I hope that whoever you know for those of you who have been listening and participating. I hope you're taking notes because this is I'm don't know if you saw me, but I was like because what I find is that there is a There's a discrepancy. Right we get through the educational system We have all these great ideas, and it's a great foundation, and it is you know it's the good groundwork that is laid. However, when we transfer it into the corporate world or the business world, it gets lost, and we forget. We start looking at the other things that need to be handled inside of a business. I love what Dr Yusuf was talking about in teaching his students in teaching their students not only you know entrepreneurship, but the leadership diplomat that's that that award or certificate that they can earn because one of the things that I that I'm really passionate about is the idea of conscious consumerism leads to conscious capitalism or vice versa. Right. it's a cyclical thing conscious capitalism and conscious consumerism. We are. We are looking at a new generation that is more global-minded and thanks to educators.

You know other influencers in the world who are expanding these young people's minds.

They're starting to see that everything we do has an impact on the ecosystem. Everything we do you know, in years past pardon my bluntness here, but I think that most of us would agree who's been around for decades in this you know in the working world that there's a lot of talks that don't always match up to the doing we're, seeing that shift we are seeing that shift with people who are saying No, no, no! We want transparency. We want authenticity. We want honesty. we want, the ethical ways of doing business to become part of our everyday culture, and so we need to keep teaching this to our young people. We need to keep teaching them to think globally, to look at I think, as Dr Yusuf was alluding, not just to look at being an employer. Excuse me, an employee, but being an employer, being a producer of jobs, being someone who helps others rise to the top and creating cultures within those startups within those businesses, small businesses because you know, small businesses make up a huge portion of the world today, and I firmly believe that that it's the lifeblood. So you know, I will say that when we can start to train, you know, small business owners to think globally, to think like producers of jobs, think about creating a culture that perpetuates conscious capitalism and takes into consideration conscious consumerism. we start to create that ecosystem, that ecosystem.

And then, you know, as Lisa Dr Lisa was saying, that's what also generates that reciprocity. Great, we're not only lifting ourselves we're lifting others as we go. We're listing others along with us I work with an organization called 10 by 3, and one of the things that we do is continue to lift women out of poverty by paying them prosperity wages by teaching them to be entrepreneurs. and in fact, I will tell you that we work with women who do not have opportunities. It gets me every time right. The beauty of this work right? And we work with women who tell us that for the first time in their lives. Not only are they earning money, Not only are they contributing to the family, but it's also the first time they've ever been even asked to sign their name to something it's the first time they've been regarded as contributors to society.

And then what do they do when they create? When do they create enterprises? When they become business owners they hire failed members. They hire villagers, they hire other people in surrounding communities. And then what do they do? They don't stop there Then they start to look around them and say, what else needs to be done in our community? What do we need that's when we start building schools and taking schools from mud huts that are falling around the children into brick buildings? And how do we do that? Do we create partnerships with corporations who say we're not just going to talk about conscious capitalism? We're going to do something about it. and so these women raise the awareness, and they contribute some of their money, and they contribute their efforts, and they part with corporations that we work with globally and we start changing the world I always say that if you want to change the face of the nations and change the economic status of women.

And so the the other side of that is if we want to to work on these sustainable goals of gender parity, gender equality. if we want to diminish violence against women if we want to eradicate poverty If we want to change the way things are in creating these partnerships. We've also got to look at our mill allies Yes, it's very important to develop female leaders. But we have to have men in the conversation who are saying yes, we're in. We're here, standing side by side we'll help lift you and then we'll help you lift others along the way. So I think that it, you know when we look at it from all sides of the equation. Starting with the academic level, and how these young people start thinking of Wow! Here's what the future can look like here's what the future looks like when we become contributors to society when we become the conscious capitalist when we raise the consciousness of consumers to say, Wow! That's the kind of business I want to do business with when I'm a consumer that's the place where I want to work that's the kind of business that I want to have, and then we inspire the next generation which inspires others around us to do the same thing. So I do think it's a Partnership and I love what Brighton and Dr Yusuf and Dr Lisa have said, We need that reciprocity. We need that inter interdependence, among the sustainable goals, interdependence between the university and other social organizations like 10 by 3.

Yeah, we need to keep encouraging that and encouraging that. And do with doing right. A lot of brilliant ideas come up. We also need to be doing and then tracking those things. to make sure that we're making the impact that we promised to make No, absolutely I mean, as I listen to you. Thank you so much for emphasizing that last point, because to me, as an educator, what that suggests is kinesthetic learning. You learn in audio ways. we learn in visual ways, and we learn by doing, and so much of curriculum development, especially as we think about it. Now, this brick you're underlining that the creation through, you know the lifting up of these small areas of learning in the physical sense. But we also have then the corresponding click where we want to link together in partnership. if I may use the term, these different modes of learning, so that we are all lifted together, and that that kinesthetic element, I think, is so critical, and each of you has emphasized that different in terms of the rest of porosity in terms of thinking about leadership and the entrepreneurship and the diplomacy. What I am reminded of, as you speak you know in in in lead impact the entity that I've founded.

We work with 3 areas. We work with each Jerusalem, Northeast Syria and with the Afghan Diaspora, and northeast Syria. It's poverty, which prevents these women from having access to quality learning. and we have started with 15, 16, and 17-year-olds, and we have introduced them to certain skills and certain educators, and initiatives, and then we get their feedback and through their feedback. We are constantly learning and continuing to improve how we present the content that we develop. This is critical. it's critical to go from the ground and to take that strong foundation and build different rooms in the house.

And I think what you're saying your excellency is so so central to the mission that we have today as thought leaders as business people, as educators, as architects.
I mean as an educator in international relations. I purposely bring in architects, because I think their attention to designing their experience in urbanism and regenerative urbanism is critical in terms of thinking about how we create the classrooms of the future. and I and I believe that you know, as I think, back in and here Brighton might be able to add to this, or perhaps any one of you. I think, back to the global compact. And this idea of you know, the UN bringing in a business and really developing system partnerships with business leaders.

I think this is so critical. and Brighton. Perhaps you know, given what Tarrick silence. He has explained. Perhaps you could give us some sense, Brighton, of how you think bringing business and the private sector, and to the educational endeavor, how helps realize some of the aspirations of the sustainable development goals because I think that's the engine. We need that engine, that entrepreneurial engine, I mean. Yes, as academics. it's about the literature it's about how you ground yourself in the literature. But then you also have to be thinking about it. How do you bring in that entrepreneurial spirit? How do you create a spree? Decor, perhaps bright. You could give us some sense of your thoughts.

Collaboration between the Business sector and Academia: Brighton Kaoma

That's a very good aspect and question, and on to cooling forward. Dr Coleman highlighted developing skiers and developing competencies, I think I must say higher education and the universities are the places where all these competencies are developed. Not only for universities themselves but also for the private sector, for institutions that are the means of production. And I think the foundation begins with empowering this generation of young people, and I'm speaking with 2 young people because I work with a lot of the end. Generally empowering the current generation and the next generation with specific 20 first century competencies of critical thinking, analytical thinking, empathy other skills that can help them become possible leaders. I think the private sector and corporations equally play a hero, ensuring that they provide the needed platform for an apprenticeship.

For example, for students, for liners, but also that the synchronicity between corporations and institutions where training is done in discuss universities. If universities are providing the skills and the training, they should be strong match with what the corporation needs, what corporates need. You know, the private sector needs in terms of the specific skills of this ticket, and I, the private sector also plays a very critical role in terms of having it was driven businesses and institutions. You discover that when we speak about things like decomposition, the private sector comes in, because if we have to think about developing on not doing the very things that latest where we are now quite a bit during the industrial, revolution when we bent over the first few years and we ended up raising average global temperatures.

Then we need to revolutionize our businesses That's Why I would borrow from the work of Dr Rebecca Anderson from the Harvard business school who's been advocating strongly about it was driven leadership in businesses. In our book. she emphasizes quite strongly imagining capitalism as a wild on fire. The planet is painting, just I've seen that so many young people, especially in imaging economies, are being affected. I begin with agriculture productivity being affected, and that's where corporations and higher education should meet. That's the intersection where should start thinking about what type of skills. Can we start giving the next generation of young leaders what type of problems are being first globally and that work in high education as well as corporations To be about to stop Yes, it might also mean the Internet of things, blockchain software development or any other skills that can allow us to promote? Yeah, but also access to the right skews and competition.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that access to quality, opportunities and qualities.
Queues should not just be a luxury of the few and I'm speaking this from experience. I was in my home country, Zambia, not so long ago, and I see the miss much that exists, the excuse of young people in Ireland institutions and the excuse in specific universities when I come to North America and I don't think that should be the case if we want to leave nobody behind. We need to make sure that Opportunities are distributed evenly among people. Yeah, people call out and people in developing and imaging economies.

Metaverse and Opportunities in Higher Education: Prof. Lisa Coleman

Particularly this idea of architecture design thinking and empathy. I think that the archive works a lot with architects actually, and thinks a lot about design thinking and how we begin projects, and to go back to what Brighton was talking about this idea of empathy. And when we think about design thinking and the reason I'm bringing this up is a lot of corporate leaders are starting to use this. If we think about some of the greatest leaders during Covid just send to Arden, for instance, it's in New Zealand, right? What did she do? even before Covid? right with the gun crisis she used Empathy as a model of design, thinking to lean in, to understand something different from perhaps her leadership. But to expand her leadership. So this goes back to that work and thanks to you for bringing up Rebecca Anderson. I do also want to say, I think corporations and leaders use. I used to work at Hartford for a very long time and we use a lot of the research faculty researchers, etcetera. But then corporations don't follow the advice right so they use our research. They employ it, but they don't use the work of someone like Rebecca Anderson instead. They go to other work. So I think also we need to think about it. How do we curate that work in our partnerships with corporations? Go back to what Dr April was saying so that the right research. We're thinking about that movement around right conscious capitalism. a different kind of innovation ecosystem. Then we also have to think about that

curation of research in a different kind of way. And this actually leads them to this idea of the Metaverse because I think you're exactly right. That the Metaverse right now is held by a lot of businesses, startups etc., right sort of in that space of technology. And I think there are a couple of things that we need to break up there. It can't just be a technology space and this goes back to what Brighton and others have said. “It has to be an art space. It has to be a creative space. You have to bring in multiple disciplines into this idea of the Metaverse.” which is not happening at the level that I think we need to if we're going to think about inclusion in the way that you're talking about. And then the second thing, we know. and we know this from the work of people like Aris Bonine and others. Algorithms.. all of these things. they're great and then, if they're built right, the bad input needs to bad output. Well, I started in computer science that's how I started so I understand everything about part hardware, software all of those things you put bad things in. Then that's what you get and so, whether it's an industrial revolution or the information revolution, we have to think about how what we mean by revolution and what those inputs are going to look like. This idea of a Metaverse I think the inputs matter very much. So It's also not just corporate inputs I also think that it's a field that's also dominated right by the West.  Right now by particular people in the West and so, that's also a problem, right?


And so to go back to what Brighton has even talked about. When I talked about those kids in retrial right the reason I talked about them was that that's about breaking up this model of education, which only happens in a classroom which only happens right sometimes where you have a professor who's teaching right. We love to profess. but do we love to learn? Is my question always, and so right. So how do we bring those learnings back in? And so that idea of learning cross-generationally, I think, is very important, and that speaks to that future, that Dr April and Brighton were talking about because If we're going to think about the future of work, the future. The emerging populations, and dealt into that we need co-creation processes that actually where we're building together.

And I say this all the time if you don't have an 8-year-old mentor, your mentor. if you're over 50, and you don't have a mentor you have a problem right now, because you don't know what's going on and you can't ask your kid cause your kids can tell you what they want you to hear. You have to have somebody outside your family right so you have to expand that idea of mentor relationships learning, etc. And that's where I think Then we can break up this idea of the Metaverse. Break it up and include the right pieces right that is global that's in that is in Zimbabwe, and also right. St. Louis right? And so really thinking about those connections lastly what I'll say about this the augmented reality because I do want to speak just a little bit about sort of you know avatars etc. sort of creating new identities. I think this is great, but what the research suggests is that we still have a bias in even as we create these new identities, the bias still exists. And so I think that that's the other piece if we're thinking about the Metaverse, and particularly the advance of these technologies. How do we think about those technologies that break the bias right? If we think about right, where are we?

Absolutely. And I think there are some more organizations Dr Coleman that are thinking about unconscious bias are thinking about that, and terms of the Metaverse, because, as you correctly underline it's limited and this point, to a certain perspective to a certain set of inputs that are indeed Western. And we need to deconstruct, so to speak.

We need to open. And let me just say this because they could reimagine colonialism and neo-colonialism in a virtual world. And that is not what we want.

Contemporary Cooperate Culture

I'm looking for a question asked great questions right I'm, thinking in Italian, My Friend right you and I will understand that the rest of them will go. What? So you know that, but a great ask of questions to say it. You know that's the culture we want to cultivate inside of companies. That's the kind of entrepreneurship we want to cultivate, to ask those questions about what is needed for the company. Because, look I'm capitalist minded right we want profitability, and we want sustainability for the company, and for the people that work in it, because if you don't have that then you're not helping the people that you hire on right, but also to look at. How are we contributing to the world at large, and constantly asking that in opening those lines of communication where dialogue is welcome, I work with companies where still to this day leaders in in middle to upper management, are afraid to ask a question that challenges the higher leadership for fear of losing their position losing opportunities being you know being outcast and that that that just doesn't work anymore, that model doesn't work and it still exists. It exists in government exists in corporate rate worlds we've got to become better askers of questions and willing to hear the answers, willing to hear the answers from a diverse range of people, whether it's global or local Bring that into our leadership. training. what You're saying reminds me very much of a book I read by the former quarterback NFL.

The quarterback from Tarkington, who himself is a very successful entrepreneur, and one of the things that he emphasized is, You know we're going to make mistakes. Make your mistakes, make them quickly learn from them, and move on. And I think that you know this is the kind of thinking because you know a quarterback is like a CEO and I'm a big football fan. I'm a big Miami Dolphins fan and truly you just use the coach, perfect season, and everything. and the thing is that you know You look at a quarterback, and you look at the place he has to call, and a lot of it is about. Can he call those places himself, or does he have to wait from the top?

And I think this is the is it top-down or is it. something where you're going to empower that CEO to listen to those who work with him, and then the plays will be full of. They'll be called at all different levels and it's where the influence is most successful that you're going to allow that company to thrive, and I think that is a completely different mindset, and I think you're absolutely right about that absolutely being willing to listen and hear what's being said. Just naturally develop your empathetic level yeah naturally raises your other, when you're looking at humans in the face, right? it leads to all of the things that we're talking about you know how you think that we need a thing called the Ministry of Mistakes and Resilience. That's right. And the resilience comes from that openness to learn from the mistakes. And again it's reciprocal because you're going to make mistakes. But then you're also going to learn and out of that's going to come something better and something stronger. But the strength comes from the willingness to accept have to improve and it's a constant assessment and reassessment, and that that I think every institution of fire of learning, could benefit from that because we are truly in a transformational time.

Revolution of Cooperate world After Covid19

Now, with Covid the educational landscape is changing, and we so much have to learn from Covid, from the pandemic, from what was not done and from what we could do looking ahead. and here Dr Yusuf I'd like to come back to you because you've emphasized so much what your university is doing in terms of leadership, intergeneration, or leadership that is connected to the local areas. And also you know the principle that John has emphasized and stood for reason that that the University has always operated beyond sovereignty. And I think that you said when I think of what you are saying, this resonates with me because the university is in a singular position, really to be a connector, and we are in a networked world yet Covid has interrupted. Covid has interrupted the networks.  

Learning Through Co-Designing Module of Leadership

So entrepreneurship is something regarding human resources and ideas. And I think human an idea they would be called the scene and the quality of the CDC for the price. . There are some other parameters. More important than the see it's for as important as the sequence by So you alignment the department right? So high quality sees, can just be both within the inappropriate soil, or back climate, or the back farmer. So this is the student. The human resources and the ideas are coming to our university, and we are doing all this in order to provide an amazing ecosystem, a climate, and, of course, amazing mentors and professors in order to level these young and high potential students into the leaders. do you want to convert ideas into products that are markets that international companies as well? And this is true for any account you will, You need to optimize our ecosystem and climate. And of course we need to have strong activations. The mentors and the leadership are you working with over here? So leadership has Dr. appeal mentioned It is not going to be like the sponsorship type of the latest. You told me you don't have the freedom you cannot have an innovative and entrepreneurial society, so it should be every vitamin for anyone to shame is her ideas to the team in a way, and cross the border actually, and leave the comfort zone. I mean the people should go beyond the comfort zone.

We need to provide a free acquisition and justice formula for the ideas for the students, and of course, we for the human equipment for the young generations and the guidance with the Covid19 and this new email. I think that starting from 2019 December when the pandemic started in Wuhan China, all the 17 sustainable Development Goals were just left behind because starting from that day we started to discuss sustainability or homo sapiens. Just because of this coming 19, because at the beginning, when someone gets infected from the conditional Id, we were reacting by already met cancel that she is going to die in a way, short time. First we need to understand how to diagnose that then we found the vicinity, and then we called 3 the Covid19 pages which will and right now, because just the regular, you know, like the flu, or something like this. So, starting from coping 19, all the Sustainable Development Goals were left on one side, but the sustainability of Homo sapiens human. He was the main topic was the most important issue on the table, because when they don't care about poverty. You don't get about education, climate, or whatever indeed, and it showed it showed also, if I may say so, the fragility of our web. Yeah. and the fragility of our interconnectedness, and really the shall we say the challenge of humankind? To respond in specific ways, now bringing help first and foremost health of the planet.  The health of the person, health as a community, and health of the ecosystem into our conversations. and I see Angelica there. Who would like to say a few words? It remains for me to thank each and every one of you for this beautiful conversation.

Ending Note by Prof. Colette Mazzucelli

I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to each one of you such brilliant thinking, such brilliant thinking.  One is truly overwhelmed, and at the same time, it gives one hope to serve a purpose with passion. So thank you all. This has been a really astonishing very thought-provoking, insightful, and just brilliant example of how collaboration between brilliant minds, exceptional insights for everyone who's watching us right now, and today's topic was exceptionally important, because, as Professor you have said, and as many speakers said before, it's vital for every institution across the globe to commit to principles of sustainability, and one thing that I just wanted to emphasize. That is absolutely amazing. Here is that via communication we create collaboration. So real communication. Today I'm really on that the WHERS conference has given an opportunity for everyone to communicate their ideas and fashions, and showcase how they help sustain a change and help create a better, more powerful more sustainable, more equal world. Thank you so much, everyone, for your contribution to your societies, to your communities, to your institutions, and I believe that everyone who is watching us today is taking notes and learning so much from your example.

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